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Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Move Blogger Blog into a Custom Domain

We all have almost started our blogging career with a free blog, as being working on a free platform helps in learning new things, exploring new concepts, putting our unsure beliefs into live experiment for gaining a factual result, but then a time comes when the passion of blogging turns into a different shade and somehow it becomes our identity in the online world. A period comes when we no more want to continue our passion with a free blogging platform but desire to start it with a custom domain. 

The foremost thing that every BlogSpot blogger would think is how to move my blog into a custom domain without affecting my rankings, traffic and users experience. The same situation I have been facing months ago when I took the decision to have a custom domain. So, via this post I will share my real time experience, as how I move my free BlogSpot domain with my new custom domain i.e. .

Note: Well, this entire procedure is recommended for those who want to use their custom domain with blogger hosting. I am using my custom domain name with hosting provided by blogger, as it’s free of cost which is an advantage and allows me to show myself as an owner of a blog.

Below given are step by step guide to transfer BlogSpot blog with custom domain, I have added the corresponding image with each step to make the learning easier for you.

First of all, you must have a custom domain name registered from any domain registrar. I had my domain booked from Godaddy as I kind of liked the services they offer and their support department is also very active.

So, once you have your domain booked, follow the given below procedure: 

  • Login into your blogger account and navigate toward Settings
  • Now select the third party set up option given below the URL

  • Enter the custom domain name properly

  • After entering the domain name, click on the Save option

  • At this point many of us, almost everyone has faced this give below error

Even I have faced the similar issue, and then I realized that I haven’t done any DNS setting into my hosting a/c.

So prior redirecting your domain, first of all do the following settings in your hosting a/c

  • Login in your domain hosting a/c, click on Manage domain section, Select DNS Zone Option, then select Classic out of the given options

  • Now you need to make changes into Cname Alias, so select www option to begin editing

  • Now you need to replace @ with

  • Select quick add and enter information provided in blogger section & save it

  • Now edit a host file section, click on quick add

  • Copy all 4 ips provided by Google

  • Add all 4 one by one & save file zone

Your changes have been submitted.

In general, these changes take upto 1 hour to reflect in the account but it can take a time period of 48 hours as well in some cases. These time frames are not constant in every case.

  • Now, you need to go back to your blog section & try to save it again

  • You will see a successful message and your new domain gets configured, now click on edit option

  • Now select “301 Redirection” option

Note: It is very important to select option only that way you can tell Google to consider this as your new domain and pass all link juice, traffic and other benefit to this new domain.

This is the easiest procedure for moving BlogSpot blog into your own custom domain and within few hours you can see your blog running into your own domain.  

Do let us know if you face any trouble or issue while configuring your new domain in the BlogSpot. Leave comment or contact us at

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Most Efficient Ways of Image Optimization to Increase Website Traffic Via Google Search

Images have become a useful source to drive large no. of traffic on a website. Now you can generate users from different geographical locations with the help of images you use on your website.

Image Optimization – An Essential Task

SEO optimization for images used on a web page is a required task to do nowadays. There are some really effective factors that put a great contribution towards importance of image optimization in SEO. But the most general question among internet marketer is how to optimize images on a website from SEO point of view.

So, here are the top factors which are considered while optimizing an image to increase user’s traffic:

Image File Name

You have to give an appropriate name to the image you are using on a webpage. The name of the image should be consisting of minimum 2 or 3 words depending on the kind of the image. Use dashes or hyphens to separate each word from another and avoid usage of underscore while naming your image.

Points to Remember

·        Tech-Freak-Stuff = Tech Freak Stuff

·        Tech_Freak_Stuff = TechFreakStuff

If you are using hyphens or dash to separate your image name then Google will consider the hyphen as breaker or separator but if you have used underscore to name the image then Google will take it as joiner. The similar example is shared in the above Para.

Alt Tag

Image Alt tag is a part of HTML tag of images. In simple language you can understand it as description of image. As search engine bots doesn’t read images so to make them understand what the image is about we use alt tags in images like this:

<img alt=”Working of Browsers src=”” >

Google also considers and uses this alt tag description to make your image visible in Google image searches that’s why it is very important to use the alt tag in right way.

Some of the important aspects you should consider before making alt tag description of any of your webpage images:

Use description upto 150 characters only (Google doesn’t show more than 150 character description in its searches)
  • Make sure you use your main keyword in the alt tag description and add the keyword in the starting
  • Use relevant words to describe image which is also matching with the content on the page
  • If you want your images to be indexed in Google image searches then do use alt tag in your images

List of Top 10 Free Image Submission Sites to Submit Website Images

If you want to drive a larger no. of traffic on your site via Google search, then apart from using alt tag and other SEO optimization for your images you can also submit the images of your site on the top most free image submission websites.
Below, I have mentioned some of the online image submission sites which are free and also allow you to share your images online and generate users to earn global recognition in online market and drive maximum number of user towards your site.

Some of the top Image Submission Sites of Year 2014

  • Pinterest
  • Flickr
  • Picasa
  • Photobucket
  • Instagram
  • Imgur
  • Smugmug
  • Shutterfly
  • Photoshop
  • Phanfare+

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Why Https:// Protocol Considered Much Secured as Compared to Http:// Protocol

It is often seen users getting confused over https and http protocols as they are not aware of the exact difference between them. Before discussing the grounds on which we prefer to use https over http in the online market, firstly we will understand the working of web browsers through the below given image.

At first, we will understand the concept of http and https.

What is HTTP and how it Works?

The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol and it is used by web browsers to specify how content or web pages are formatted and carried to the end users. Whenever any user type any address or site URL in the web browser then whosoever browser you are using turns the client and the machine acts as web server. So, HTTP protocol comes in use whenever client sends a request to web server to obtain certain information. Once the web server receives the request from the client end then it reverts back with a web page so whenever users type a web address in the browser and hits enter they get a web page in return.

What is HTTPS and how it Works?

HTTPs stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, it is basically an amalgamation of 2 entirely distinct protocols. First one is HTTP and second is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, the request sent through this protocol is very secured and connection between client and web server is made in encrypted way so that nobody could actually understand the kind of information shared among the two. This HTTPS protocol is used where high level of security is required or which includes the personal information of the users. Such sectors which need this kind of protocol are banking websites, online shopping portals. Payment gateways as well as browser email clients.

Difference between HTTP & HTTPS and Why HTTPS used Over HTTP Protocol?

Now we will discuss the core different between http:// and https:// protocols and the most prominent query of the users that why Https is used over Http protocol?

Usually the website opened via HTTP protocol is considered less secured because it is navigated through regular language. So there are higher probabilities that when you are taking towards the website or page you have requested, someone hacks your machine in between and get the information entered by you in your web browser. If anything like this happens then the hackers can misuse your personal details and you can end up stuck in a mess.

But if you are using https protocols then the connection made between web servers and clients are in encrypted mode and in between no one can understand the information shared between the two.

So to run your website on https protocol you need to obtain a SSL certificate that contains public key (required while establishing connection with web server) that makes HTTPS websites run on transport layer. Once you get the certification then next time while navigating to a website having HTTPS protocol, the browser connects with web server first asks for SSL certificate which has public key and other required data and then they contact to CS (Certificate Authorities) to confirm whether the certificate is valid or not and once they get a green flag from the CAs then they take the clients to the requested web address.

This is how the overall working takes place when you are using HTTPs and these are the main reasons why HTTPs is generally considered as safer in comparison to HTTP protocol and mostly online shopping sites and internet banking sites uses HTTPs protocol.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Apply for Google Adsense: A Question Comes Up in Every Blogger’s Mind

A very common question arrives on a bloggers mind about how should they use ad sense on their blog and start earning money. There is always a right time to precede things so a blogger should wait for that right time before beginning the procedure of Adsense.

Whenever the idea of Adsense pops up in your brain, you should better ask yourself a question. Is my site ready for it after pondering upon the 2 major areas?

  1. Am I getting adequate amount of traffic from my blog?
  2. Are users interested in stuff I am writing?

These above mentioned queries are very required to be understood properly before you apply for Adsense . This system is biggest ads scheme out of Google’s Adwords programme and it includes the process of pay per click. The payment that a blogger or website owner receives in return of showing Google’s ad in their site is relatively high which makes it an obvious reason of popularity among bloggers and webmasters.

So, before applying for Adsense you must fulfill the above mentioned requirements.

How Much Traffic Required for Google Adsense

The foremost important thing before applying is how much traffic you have in your site. Are you being able to drive large no. of users in your site? Because if you have good amount of users coming in your site and visiting it often that means you have something interesting as this keeps the interest of the users continuing.

You must have atleast 1000 of hits on daily basis then only it would be worthwhile to run an ad on it. To check out the statistics of your website/blog you must add Google Analytic code on it which is a proficient tool to track down all the traffic on your site including page views/session/visitors and also their locations, OS as well as browsers.

If you are getting 1000 hit per day on your site or more than that then you think of running ads on your site.

Is My Content User Engaged?

The traffic of your website is directly connected with the visitors on it. If you are having interested posts or topics on your site and if these posts are able to grab the attention of users then it would make them stay on your site longer which in return reduces the bounce rate of your website.

Now if your website/blog meets the above mentioned requirements then you can apply for Google Adsense and can enjoy earning money from it.

Getting approved from Google to run ads on your website is a cumbersome task, one wrong move and you will have to face rejection. So first of all you must go ahead with the things that you have to take care of before applying for Google Adsense.

7 Things to Remember Before Applying for Google Adsense

There are few things which are needed to be taken into consideration before you apply for adsense. Below given are some important points you should think of:

About Us/ Contact Us/Privacy Policy Page

These 3 pages are very essential to be there as many newbie do this mistake and gets rejected by Adsense. You must have about us page on your website which gives an introduction about you the kind of services you offer, a short biography about you. Contact Us can carry information regarding how users can contact you, you either put a contact form or provide an email id or your social profiles like Google+, twitter etc. Privacy policy page is also mandatory to be there before applying for Google Adsense.

So, if you are applying for Adsense without having about, contact or privacy policy page, forget about it being approved, it will be simply rejected.

Age Confirmation

As per the policies mentioned by Google, a person can apply for Adsense only when he is at least 18 years old. As Google Adsense is not made for people under or below 18.

Name or Email Address

Make sure while applying for Google Adsense, you use the same email address and contact number that you are using on the contact us or about us or other pages of your site/blog. This way Google will have trust that the person applying for Adsense is the same person who created this blog.

No. of Published Posts

Ok, so there is no precise answer has found on web until now. No one can tell you accurately about how many post your blog should have before you apply for Google adsense. Because there people who are having 300 to 400 posts on their blog but still they are complaining about their rejection from Google and there are people only havgin 40-50 posts are successfully running ads on their website or blog. So, here in this section, quantity doesn't matter but quality does.
So you should maintain this thing properly if you are planning to apply for Adsense in near future. Keep your post length min. 500 words and properly optimize it, avoid creating short posts.

Content Type

When should i apply for Adsense ? Before asking this question to yourself, just once check out the niche you have targeted for your website. If it’s something related to pornography, illegal products, drugs or anything prohibited then Google will never accept your request. Google Adsense is not made for such kind of categories and not even for sites having non-English content.

Domain Name Matters

How important is domain name for Google Adsense? You must be pondering upon this topic, then for your information let me tell you that it does matter, your domain name the hosting services you are using is also very important. So, always try to book a TLD (.com) domain and take reputable host services like Go Daddy, Blue host etc.

Point to Note - Google won't accept your Adsense if you are using Blogger or any sub domain.

Website/Blog Design

It is again a very necessary point to be focused; your website design should be easy and user-friendly. It should be clearly designed so that users can easily navigate through different sections of website without facing any trouble.